P&C Meetings
P&C meetings are held twice a term, in weeks 3 and 7 during the school year. Meetings commence at 7:00pm, alternating between online and onsite.
When onsite meetings take place, these are held in the school library. Please refer to the P&C calendar for exact meeting dates each term and whether this is online or in person.
P&C membership is just $1.00, which is paid annually. If you would like to become a member, please contact the P&C or alternatively pay your membership via the Flexischools app. This will provide you with updated minutes from the meetings. It will also provide you with the ability to vote on a range of ideas, events, structures and resources for our children and school.
Voting on such important topics allows you to have a say in how the P&C should contribute the money we raise back into our school community.
You do not need to be a member to attend meetings.