The library supports the educational program providing access to a range of instructional and recreational materials.
Barnier's library is the central place for all learning and information resources. We have resources for students, teachers and community members. The search enquiry is connected to the school's computer network, enabling access to the library inquiry module from all classrooms. The library is also available to the students during lunch time for activities.
Students come to the library every week to borrow during their library lesson. Borrowing can also be completed during recess or lunch time as long as students bring their library bag to the library. All students must have a library bag to borrow. No plastic bags will be accepted. Bags can be purchased at the uniform shop or students may use fabric or environmental bags.
The loan period is 2 weeks. Books are considered overdue when this period has expired. If books are overdue children can still borrow from the library as long as they have not reached their borrowing limit. The Barnier Library allows borrowers to loan over the Autumn, Winter and Spring holidays. The loan period is extended to 3 weeks.The borrowing limits are:
Years K – 2 : 2 books
Years 3 – 4 : 3 books
Years 5 – 6 : 4 books
Book club
Book Club gives parents and children a convenient way to purchase affordable, age-appropriate books to bridge the class-to-home reading connection and keep the reading momentum rolling in our school. Scholastic Book Club offer a wide variety of carefully selected titles curated by year levels. Each issue also includes a range of products to offer reading choices beyond the core year levels for gifts and sibling purchases. Each Book Club purchase enables the library to fundraise by accruing rewards points that are often used to acquire new resources for our school library.
Placing your order
Complete a LOOP (Linked Ordering Online and Payment) order online via the Scholastic website. For more information on how to order via LOOP, download and view our PDF guide: Book ordering for parents(PDF 94KB)
Both ordering options will be delivered at the same time. Please allow between 1-2 weeks for the orders to be received from the due date.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) aims to encourage in students a love of reading for leisure and pleasure, and to enable students to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge is an initiative of the NSW State Government with principal support from Modern Teaching Aids, Dymocks Children's Charities and media partner, NewsLocal.All students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will complete the challenge with their class teacher.
In 2019, the library is running a competition for all children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. When a full class completes the challenge, all students will receive a small prize. The first class in Years 3 and 4, as well as the first class in Years 5 and 6, to complete the challenge will win a pizza party to celebrate. Visit the Premier's Reading Challenge website to find out more, or download and view our PDF guide: Premier's Reading Challenge Information 2024